Selected writing on art, design, & visual culture.
V for Victory for Elephant
Justin Vivian Bond knows that the truth can change.
I Got a Radical Makeover — For Art's Sake for The New York Times
Artist Erica Prince makes me a believer in the power of makeup.
Design Legend Gaetano Pesce Likes His Furniture Feminist for Artsy
Perfection is boring.
This Other Eden for Elephant
Carroll Dunham is pretty sure nobody masturbates to his paintings.
Ghana's Capital Is Undergoing an Artistic Renaissance for Artsy
Postcards from Accra.
Mirror Stages for The Miami Rail
Brookhart Jonquil ponders the allegory of gold.
Sara Cwynar: Between Photography and Design for Modern Painters
Lessons on kitsch from Baudrillard, Kundera, and figure skating.
How to Declutter Your Studio According to Marie Kondo for Artsy
A master organizer's advice for messy artists.
How Artists Are Reimagining the Way We Bury the Dead for Artsy
Who wouldn't want to be made into compost?
Clinical Eye: Atelier Biagetti Finds Inspiration in Uncommon Places for Modern Painters
What's so sexy about the spa?
The Radical, 600-Year Evolution of Tarot Card Art for Artsy
Mystics, minimalism, and the secret of the Happy Squirrel.
Six Artists Who Draw Gorgeous Botanical Tattoos for The New York Times
Tattoos your grandmother will love.
Why Misha Kahn Is the Ultimate Millennial Designer for Artsy
On Saturn's return and how to escape the zeitgeist.
How Feminist Artists Reclaimed Futura from New York’s Mad Men for Artsy
What do the Nazi Party, NASA, Wes Anderson, & Barbara Kruger have in common?
What Artists Can Learn from Teaching for Artsy
To be brave, for a start.